Crushes, attractions, huck ups, and full-bloom romances are inevitable between workmates. So much time spent together daily and getting to know our colleague’s professional qualities as well alluring intellectual. We, men, are more clear with our feeling and it is kind of obvious on our faces if we have a crush or liking for someone.
But the opposite is not true women have a natural tendency to hide their feelings. You suspect that she likes you but cracking this nut would not be that easy for sure. Decoding the signs and gestures from her which are confusing you. Is she friendly, sassy, or flirty?
Steadfast Signs your Female Colleague Likes You!
Office flings are more complicated to confirm compared to your other romances. To be assured definitely one needs experts’ suggestions. So here we have come up with a checklist to match with the hints from your co-worker interested in your just being nice to you.
1. You notice her always smiling
Smiles are surely the way to greet our co-workers. It is a gesture quite confusing as she may smile to show professional courtesy or beings nice to you. One can easily get confused between, is she smiling cause I am a dude or maybe she finds me funny!
Prolonged eye contact with a smile that reaches her eyes, maybe added glow on her face when she talks to you. Twinkling eyes are a clear sign that your charm makes her heart skip a beat.
2. She sticks around you
Women are experts in ignoring men who are not on their favorite list. So if you keep running into her in coffee breaks or lunch breaks. She shares the latest office gossip with you it may be a sign that she is making efforts to be around you.
Often running into her could be a coincident too, but clubbing it with her body language can help you to find out if she likes you. Maybe her frequent exposure to you increases her desirability for you.
3. She is curious & attentive toward you
This isn’t a direct sign as it is a basic conversation starter for all co-workers to know about your family and friends. But if she shows more interest in your whereabouts like how you spend your weekends, holidays or what are your future plans?
If she is interested in you she will show an intense interest in your personal. She may try to get into emotional talks with you.
4. She approaches and extends help
This is a strong sign that she puts her trust in you. In-office we all seek help from different co-workers in the hour of need. In case if she frequently seeks your help and almost every time she is in a fix she is into you. And contrariwise she always there to help you as well.
Seeking help in the office is not easy cause it shows incompetence so if she picks you for help time and again. You hold a special place in her heart.
PA: It won’t apply to your situation if you are an extreme helping hand for all colleagues in the office or it comes under your duty to assist her in the job.
5. She memorizes details about you
Co-workers exchange personal information during casual conversations and we all know more or less about our office buddies. But if she can order for you in the office cafeteria without asking you, she can mention your likings, hobbies, and a lot more. Congratulations she like you!
Women pay heed to only people she is interested in. Your casual conversations printed in her brain just because she has an interest in you. Or maybe just she has “super memory syndrome”
6. She is Easy with You
Excessively abundant accidental touches or closeness while working or talking is a very strong sign of fondness for anyone. Women maintain a safe distance from male co-workers and she will get close to you times and again only if she is super comfortable with you.
She is comfortable with you and accidental or intentional touches do not bother her. It is a clear sign of flirtatious banter & depicts she is seeking your attraction.
7. She Stay Connected after office hours
Even after spending hours together in the office, she shows persistent interest in catching up with you. She asks you about your after-office minibreaks or weekends plans. She may use lines like ” I too like to do same on weekends”.
She may directly say “let’s hang out together” or indirectly show interest in your plan to try her luck to be with you on weekend.
8. You both share Inside Jokes
Women are usually hard to please and she wants to be a receiver in the first phase of the love relationship. Humour is something really good to judge the depth of any relation. If you both share inside Jokes your you have high chances that she likes you.
Whenever you share any such witty moments with her pay attention to her body language and glittery eyes. You may feel that special bond and charisma.
9. She compliments and teases you
compliments are the basic way to show she notices, cares, and acknowledge you. Now it’s common between co-workers to compliment and tease each other occasionally. If you often receive compliments from her on your looks, work, and choices that’s a green light.
Teasing is a playful way to catch your response and continuation communication. Followed by giggles leading to high-fives or leaning over the shoulder. She is interested in you!
10. She makes you secret keeper
Right from office gossips, office tension to her personal life details you keep on getting updates from her. Inquiring about your current relationship status, ex or what qualities you seek in a future partner? All these are signs that she is into you.
Women do not become secret keepers or share their personal details unless they really trust you. One who reserves a special place in her heart will get these details.
Above mentioned points surely help you to decode if your co-worker likes you, but you need to be attentive and forbearance. Each human has different traits and few have really quite an extroversion nature and that can confuse you.
- Just take time to notice her behaviour and compare if she conduct same behaviour with other co-workers too.
- Now may be she treats you special as you are really good friend or finds you interesting (a step behide she will start linking you)
- Casually ask or inquire somehow if she is single or comitted before jumping on any decision. If she is single ask her what kind of partner she would date?
Higher chances are there you will get a strong hint from your co-worker if she likes you and is kind of ready to admit it. Office romances are deceptive and understanding a women feeling is harder. Along with 10 signs to check if she likes you I wish you Good luck!