If you want to know your crush better or you want to build in some attraction and make her feel super comfortable so that she can actually talk to you. And as a result fulfill your end goal, which is to go on a date together.
Now the best conversations that you guys can have are something you’re both interested in so that you can give back and forth on your opinions, but you will both be in a vulnerable state but also have fun talking about something.
So if you’re stuck on ideas about what you can say to your crush to start a deep, meaningful conversation, then thought-provoking questions are something to get started.
Best Thought Provoking Questions to Ask a Girl
Thought-Provoking questions not only help you in understanding each other but also build a positive bond, that helps in building strong relationships.
Well, this blog post covers some of the best thought-provoking questions for a girl or someone you want to start a relationship with.
1. What was the best year of your life so far?
This is a really nice question it’s sentimental and it makes the girl think about how loving you are as a person to ask her. It’s a great thing to keep in mind for the future conversations
2. What do you spend most of your time?
One of the ways to assess someone is how they spend their free time. Do they spend lots of their time with the day working? Do they spend lots of their time just daydreaming? or even more.
Asking this question is a good way of identifying someone’s personality and obviously to make sure that your crush is a good fit for you.
3. What do you spend way too much money on?
It is a really fun question to ask, but also it could ring some alarm bells and red flags which is a good thing to figure out because you don’t want to invest in someone that spends way too much money on unnecessary items.
4. What’s something that you can do that most people can’t?
It is like a party trick-type question. For example, what type of skills do you have that all the people around you cannot do? If she’s happy to answer this question, then it’ll be a great icebreaker to have between you both.
5. What do you find hilarious but most people don’t find funny?
It’s a great thing to ask if you’re a little bit uncomfortable with that awkwardness at the start of the conversation because being funny and having that comical value can really distress that awkwardness.
6. What fad have you held onto?
Even though it isn’t popular anymore, everyone has those guilty things that we don’t like to admit we enjoy. It could be Justin Bieber. It could be a Korean pop band. It’s really good to share this vulnerability with someone as it lowers that awkwardness. And it’s just a fun thing to know.
If you want a deeper conversation, you can ask about the small or the large thing that has happened that has changed her life the most. This is a great sentimental question to ask, providing it’s not the first thing you say to her ’cause it would be pretty weird.
It’s one of the cool questions to ask because nine times out of ten times if you ask the lady this question, she will pull out her phone and show you, then it’s highly possible that you could add each other on Snapchat, Instagram, exchange phone numbers.
It’s going to open up a nice walkway of romantic communication.
8. What would it have you dodged recently?
This is a great one. If she’s happy to confess something bad, that’s happened.
9. What is the best present or gift you have ever received from someone?
Now, this is a perfectly good bit of information. It’s cheeky because you can take this and you can buy her a gift along with something very, very similar. It shows you are thoughtful and paying attention to what she said.
10. Tell me your life story in one minute?
If you’re a little bit of a charismatic guy, you can hold out your phone and say, OK, I’m gonna give you a minute. Can you tell me your life story? And it’s a little bit of a game.
It’s very fun and she’s going to ramble and stumble and not know what to explain. And it’s just a really fun thing for her to turn around for you and say, now you do the same thing. It would be a laugh
11. If you won $10 million right now, What’s the first thing you would buy?
This one is sentimental and Perfect because providing the conversation goes well. You can suggest, hey, let’s actually go to China. I think we’re really cool.
12. Are there any places you would love to travel to?
Keep in mind if these conversations go well you can use these snippets of information to actually focus on future dates, future travel plans, or you can just surprise her with something that she has mentioned.
It will really help give you those nice boyfriend points when you’re in a relationship.
13. What did you feel amazing after you accomplished it?
By asking this question, you can get the lady to open up and talk about how she has improved over the years. You can make comments and say wow that’s amazing I’m so proud of you well done and this is a compliment that is really going to bring out the smile.
14. If a man ever asked you to marry him?
It’s a perfect question to get some background information about if she’s been married before. If she’s ever been proposed to because you can find out if she’s been in serious relationships.
15. What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received?
Now the response to this question is always going to lead on with the story of how that particular thing happened. When you get her to open up and tell you stories, you are lowering that awkwardness in the conversation, so she feels more comfortable with you.
And obviously the more comfortable she feels, and then you’re all set to ask more cheeky questions.
16. Given the choice of anyone in the world with whom you like to have dinner again?
It is a great opening question to get her to open up and to know about her likes and dislikes without asking her the boring. Instead of asking boring questions like what type of music do you like or similar.
17. Would you want to be famous? If so, in what way?
People love talking about themselves and fantasizing. This question allows you to do just that and you’re the guy sparking her dream.
18. Name three things that you think you and I have in common, and then I’ll go?
You can ask these types of questions to not only know each other, but it also helps in producing a spark between you and make her feel comfortable with you.
Apart from that, there are the following questions worth trying:
- What’s your favorite photograph of yourself?
- What is one thing that you are afraid to do?
- If your house were put on fire, what would be the first thing that you would save?
- What is the weirdest deal breaker in a relations hip.
So these are some questions which I personally think a guy should ask a girl. If you know more thought-provoking questions, then feel free to share them in the comments so that our readers can read them too.